Hoist Zone Manual


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SKU: Categories: CM, Lever Chain Hoists

Coffing G Series Lever Chain Hoist


Choose a capacity to see the chain lift.

Coffing G Series Ratchet Lever Chain Hoist

The Coffing G Series Ratchet Lever Chain Hoist is an efficient and durable option that is ideal for utility transmission and distribution work. The roller chain (often called a bicycle chain) can be easily added to or removed from to increase or decrease the amount of lift. This type of chain also handles more capacities than a traditional coil chain.

Free Chaining

This hoist has a free-chaining mechanism. You’ll have quick and easy take up and positioning of slack chain. Your hoist will not free chain when under load.

Handle Protection

The handle won’t spin if it is accidentally released while operating.

Multiple Rigging Options

This hoist can lift, pull, or bind. You can operate it from either side and it will work in any position.

Snap Hook & Link

The snap hook and link allows you to convert your unit to the next smallest capacity. By doing this, you’ll have longer lifts and faster operation. The snap hook acts as an end stop so it won’t be able to pass through the chain sprocket.

Adjust Your Lift

You can increase or decrease your lift by easily adding or removing links.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Country of Origin



3⁄4 Ton, 1 1⁄2 Ton, 3 Ton, 4 1⁄2 Ton, 6 Ton, 9 Ton, 11 Ton, 13 Ton, 15 Ton


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Frequently Asked Questions

Hoist Zone offers support Monday — Friday 7:00 AM — 4:00 PM EST. Contact our service team by phone (574) 742-1185 or email us at info@hoistzone.com

Examine hooks for the following:

  • Missing or illegible hook manufacturer’s identification or secondary manufacturer’s identification
  • Missing or illegible rated load identification
  • Excessive pitting or corrosion
  • Cracks, nicks, or gouges
  • Wear—any wear exceeding 10% (or as recommended by the manufacturer) of the original section dimension of the hook or its load pin
  • Deformation—any visible apparent bend or twist from the plane of the unbent hook
  • Throat opening—any distortion causing an increase in throat opening of 5% not to exceed 1/4” (6mm), or as recommended by the manufacturer
  • Inability to lock—any self-locking hook that does not lock
  • Inoperative latch (if provided)—any damaged latch or malfunctioning latch that not close the hook’s throat
  • Damaged, missing, or malfunctioning hook attachment and securing means
  • Thread wear, damage, or corrosion
  • Evidence of heat exposure or unauthorized welding
  • Evidence of unauthorized alterations such as drilling, machining, grinding, or other modifications

If signs of any of those listed above are visually apparent, then use of said hook is mandated to be out of service until proper repair by qualified personnel has been performed.

In order to ensure your safety, the ASME requires hooks to be periodically inspected once a month. If a professional recommends even more often, then this supersedes the periodic monthly inspection.

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