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SKU: MTCategories: Motorized Trolleys

Black Bear Motorized Trolley



  • 1 to 10 Ton
  • Powered: Motor Driven
  • Trolley Speed:
    • Single Speed: 79 FPM
    • 2 Speed: 79/26 FPM
  • Voltage: Single Phase or 3 Phase
  • Adjustable Flange Width
  • Does not come with a pendant

The Black Bear Motorized Trolley is best for industrial applications where you need long-distance hoist travel. This trolley is available in capacities from 1 Ton to 10 Ton at either one speed or two speed. Flange width is adjustable by at least two inches.

Trolley Speed

This motorized trolley goes up to 79 FPM at either one speed or two speed. You’ll get more power and speed than if you were to use a manual or plain trolley.

Go Wireless

The Black Bear Motorized Trolley is compatible with INMOTION Radio Remote Control Systems. If purchased together, your motorized trolley will be wireless and ready to use right out of the box.

Power Supply

Choose from either Single Phase or 3 Phase depending on your needs. Single Phase is 115/230V and 3 Phase is 230/460V.

Which one should you choose?

Single Phase is best for light or infrequent applications. If you need more power to run higher loads, you should choose a 3 Phase motor. No matter what you choose, you’ll receive a well designed and safe trolley. For more information about Single Phase and 3 Phase Power Supplies, click here.

Trolley Wheels

Trolley wheels have lifetime lubricated ball bearings with a compound tread. This allows you to use the trolley on either wide flange or American Standard I-Beams. The flange width is adjustable so you’ll be able to fit it on any beam. Depending on which capacity you choose, the flange widths range from 3”– 5” to 6”– 8”. Refer to the table below for more details on trolley capacities and their flange widths.

Recommended Hoists

Black Bear Motorized Trolley

Capacity Models I-Beam Width
1 Ton MTF-100, MT-100, MTD-100 3–5"
2 Ton MTF-200, MT-200, MTD-200 4–6"
3 Ton MT-300, MTD-300 5–7"
5 Ton MT-500, MTD-500 5–7"
71⁄2 Ton MT-750, MTD-750 6–8"
10 Ton MT-1000, MTD-1000 6–8"
Weight 88 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 12 in


115V/Single Phase, 230/460V/3 Phase, 230V/3 Phase, 460V/3 Phase


1 Ton, 2 Ton, 3 Ton, 5 Ton, 7 1⁄2 Ton, 10 Ton

Country of Origin


Trolley Speed

1 Speed — 79 FPM, 2 Speed — 79/26 FPM


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