Spring Sling Sale! | 10% OFF any Starke Chain Sling with PROMO CODE: SPRINGSLING10
Offer ends on March 28th.
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Return & Refund Policy

If you are dissatisfied with any product purchased on HoistZone.com, contact us within 30 days of delivery. A refund may be arranged after return and inspection. This excludes Crane Systems, Crane Kits, Refurbished Products, and Clearance Products.

HoistZone.com does not accept returns after 30 days of receipt.

If a refund is requested before the order has shipped there will be no restocking fee. To request a refund reply to the order email as soon as possible to ensure that the order has not shipped before the cancellation and request for refund are placed.

Returned products must be shipped in original packaging, unused, and in resale condition. All returned products are subject to restocking fees per the chart below.

Hoist Zone Restocking Fees

Order Amount Restocking Fee
$999 or less 35%
$1,000 – $4,999 25%
$5,000 or above 15%

Return shipping/freight will not be refunded and is the responsibility of the customer to arrange. It may take up to 30 days from the receipt of equipment to HoistZone.com for a refund to be issued.

HoistZone.com inspects all returns and reserves the right to refuse credits on damaged products that cannot be resold. 

Your only obligation is the shipping/freight charges and the re-stocking fee, provided your return is complete with original packaging, all documentation, and all components contained in the original shipment.

Submit Request to Return Product